" The service offered by PPO BOX is excellent but the shipping cost is very high "
- Kalyanaraman
" Excellent and super fast services however for some items there was a delay in delivery. "
- Waseem Kazi
" PPObox ships from the US to my doorstep in about 4-5 days, it's truly amazing considering that some e-commerce sites in India still struggle to deliver in 4 days even for items purchased in your neighbouring state! big kudos to you guys :) "
- Nitish Raj
" Great service. Decent price scheme. Kudos to PPO!! "
- Pooja
" Great service. Decent price scheme. Kudos to PPO!! "
- Pooja
" Excellent and super fast services "
- Shabbir Bohra
" Hassle free, cheap, fastest, excellent ,Super "
- Girish Rawal
" I have had the most excellent experience with PPO Box so far. Very responsive customer care executives, reasonable pricing and super fast delivery of items with expedite customs clearing. I couldn't ask for more. Got items worth 390$ also without any prob "
" The service offered by PPO BOX is excellent but the shipping cost is very high "
- Kalyanaraman
" Excellent and super fast services however for some items there was a delay in delivery. "
- Waseem Kazi
" PPObox ships from the US to my doorstep in about 4-5 days, it's truly amazing considering that some e-commerce sites in India still struggle to deliver in 4 days even for items purchased in your neighbouring state! big kudos to you guys :) "
- Nitish Raj
" Great service. Decent price scheme. Kudos to PPO!! "
- Pooja
" Great service. Decent price scheme. Kudos to PPO!! "
- Pooja
" Excellent and super fast services "
- Shabbir Bohra
" Hassle free, cheap, fastest, excellent ,Super "
- Girish Rawal
" I have had the most excellent experience with PPO Box so far. Very responsive customer care executives, reasonable pricing and super fast delivery of items with expedite customs clearing. I couldn't ask for more. Got items worth 390$ also without any prob "
- Chaitanya Siddeshwar
" Hassle free, cheap, fastest, excellent "
- Nishant Singh